Wednesday, December 21, 2005

WIth all this X-mas shopping

My blog isn't being updated as much as it should....
Anyway I found this on ebay

the slider Hello Kitty phone.
This OKWAP A236 mobile isn't actually being launched in the US or UK.
The handset not only comes with an excellent HK carry case thing, it also has a Kitty charm that doubles as a screen cleaner
The phone also apparently has handwriting recognition and a stylus pen.

Perhaps another xmas gift?

Friday, December 16, 2005

No comments....

Presenting the Woomba ( instead of the Roomba )

PSP 2.01 firmware unlocked

The guys over at PSP3d have hacked firmware 2.01, keep on hacking everyone!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Mod your XBOX360

The guys over at llama, have modded their XBOX360, not only do they actually have one, but they had the guts of modding it ( now we have to wait until the first modchip comes out...)

Anyway check it out here

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

You know you've been working too hard if...

I just came accros the following movie clip on google video... This guy has been working way too hard...

Monday, November 28, 2005

Make your own SOCOM Headset for PSP

I wish i was as creative as all these people i link to are,
anyway here is a guide on how to make your own SOCOM headset for PSP


More than meets the eye...

If you are a kid of the 80's like me, you grew up on He-Man, G.I. Joe, M.A.S.K. and the grandaddy of them all Transformers..

Transformers were and still are the coolest cartoonseries ever created, no matter how much i enjoy animation, If Transformers is on, i have to watch it.

Now if i only had the cash for one of these, my already pleasant life, would be even better...

The cost 3750 USD and i think they're worth every penny.


After a week of not blogging

I am back! Haven't been very inspired and not too much time on my hands to update

I went to the HCC days in Utrecht as well as going to the Motorshow in Essen ( Germany ) in a snowstorm...

Anyway, check out the next links...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

For those of you who like to watch tv shows on your PSP

If you've already got a Sony PSP, or if you just like watching shows on your PDA, Smartphone or portable media player, this Neuros Video Recorder may be the just the thing you're after.
Basically, you plug it into your TV just like a normal VCR or hard drive recorder.
Record a show and it will convert it straight into MPEG4 format and save the video onto a Pro Memory Stick Duo or Compact Flash card.
You can then plug the memory card straight into your PSP or similar, saving you the hassle of having to convert the files yourself.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Who will win this race?

The race-car or the R/C car... Link

PS I know that my comments have been a bit lame for over the last couple of days, but I'm starting a new job, as such i have less time to get more detailed on what i find...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

PSP version 2.5 hacked?

According to this link we shouldn't have to wait for long.....

Friday, November 11, 2005

1 extra thing to add to my X-mas wishlist

Completely and utterly useless,
but i have to have it :D

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Presenting the Mini-NES

Wow, this is a guy who has hand-built his own portable mini-NES, i wish i was as handy as this guy

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Make your own Puma T-Shirt!

How to brew beer in a coffeepot....

Ever had that craving for a nice pint of beer, only to find out that you had run out?
OR would you like to create your own brand like RTFMbeer

Well now you can , courtesy of the nice webmaster at

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

rejected Playstation commercials..

Some of these are logical that they have been rejected, with others i have no clue, have a look for yourself

Weird Japanese gameshow

I have been offline for some days, sorry about this ( crappy ISP ) , anyway this is a very weird Japanese gameshow, something about wearing a hat with a porkchop on it and a hungry lizard ( do i hear someone say GODZILLA MAN IN SUIT! )
Ayway check it out, i hope for their sake that the prices are worth it

Thursday, November 03, 2005

"How to stuff a dvd player in a car for less than 200 euro"

A guy known as the_eye has found a cheap way to put a dvd player into your car.

The page starts off in greek, but there is an english translation at the bottom.


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

How to make a cheapass Intelbased Mac OSX machine...

From the dear colleagues at I-Hacked a guide to make your intel-based MacOS machine.

I think i'll give it a try later on, let me know if you try this, i'm curious for results

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Super Mario Madness

I know these links are a bit old, but as it is still Mario's 20th anniversary, i just though i could post the links here as well for your ( as well as my ) enjoyment

Super Mario Choir ( old )

Super Mario theme on an electric guitar, with soundeffects as well!!!

have fun!

Indycar crash and fotofinish

Who says that Indycar on a Oval track is boring... Link

1,000lb Butter Sculpture Of Darth Vader And Yoda

Some people have way too much time on their hands.

"Each year at the Tulsa State Fair, an artist is commissioned to make a sculpture out of butter. In past years, cows, farmers, and baseball players were created out of hundreds of pounds of butter. This year, in celebration of Star Wars's final episode, TSF is featuring Darth Vader and Yoda, all dairy-like."

Monday, October 31, 2005

Yoda Dances....

Dear god, the Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith isn't even out yet, or one can already find one of the eastereggs on it on Google Video: Yoda Dances


Retro TV-PC

Here is a nice link of a guy who managed to stick a mini-itx board into an old portable tv, the result is amazing!
As the
HCC-days are coming, i might pick up one of these boards, and see where i can put it in
( please refrain from up your *ss kind of comments)
suggestions are always welcome, leave a comment!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

One of the best practical jokes ever...

One would think that doctors are really serious especially during work, thank god not all are like that.

Doctor Meets Bernie

Quicktime required

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


A friend of mine just mailed me this link regarding a possible dreamjob

Anyone who cares to apply?

XBOX360 - Project Gotham Racing 3 footage

Now i am a PS2 owner myself so i've never had the pleasure of playing any PGR version. I have seen screenshots though and i have always been impressed, I can only assume it plays as well as Gran Turismo 4 ( love it ). Anyway here is a link to some footage i think looks incredible, and might even have me buy a 360 instead of a PS3

Monday, October 24, 2005

3d on your PSP?

I cannot imagine this to be comfortable but hey, you're a geek or you're not!
Konami and Sony are doing 3D glasses for the PSP and they appear to work with more than just games ...3D game playing will be possible with "Metal Gear Acid 2," scheduled for release on Dec. 8 in Japan. The goggles, to be hooked up to the game console, can also be used to view images other than those of video games.

Check it out here

R2D2 Casemod

To stay in the spirit of my other Star Wars related post, here is a guy who has made a R2-D2 casemod for his PC, it looks awesome! It has been featured on ExtremeTech

Friday, October 21, 2005

Cardboard PC Case

DIY PC enthusiasts should have gotten wind of this environmentally friendly, recyclable PC case already.
Manufactured by Japanese company Lupo, it is constructed entirely out of cardboard.
All you need to do is remove perforated sections of the cardboard into the respective parts, fold along the lines as directed, and voila!
A perfectly functional PC case that’s biodegradable.
I’m not too sure what happens should a component overheat and burn the entire case into a pile of ashes though.


Note: link is in Japanese

How to make a Paperweight of your PSP

About 2,5 weeks ago the PSP Downgrader was released, a joy for the homebrew community all over the world! This joy was quickly killed as some idiot, released a fake downgrade which bricked your PSP The nice peope at F-Secure, have released a video showing this sad fact, ( they might've sent it to me instead as i'm still PSP-less)

R2D2 Baby costume

For all of you who have any influence over a baby, try this for upcoming Halloween!
A R2D2 Baby Costume A complete guide can be found on the following link


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Want to get weird looks in public transport

Get a couple of these weird looking flaps for your books! with wonderfull sayings as "How to make your mother a Pornstar"


Super Mario World level-editor

If, after all these decades, playing Super Mario has started to lose its fun, you can always hack your own levels using this Super Mario World level-editor: link


How to annoy your neighbours!

In the old days when me and the neighbourhood guys were bored , we would go out with our remote controls, stand in form of the neighbours' houses and change the channels.
This guy does exactly the same but has 4 remotes and is doing this during a footballmatch ( soccer for the us people ) of Holland

Check him out in action over here

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

CSI: Mind Prison

We all know the series CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) by now.
The idea is to solve a murder , so here for your consideration: Mind Prison

For all Star Trek fans....

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning is a must-see for all Star Trek fans

Parody is the best form of flattery as is said.

It has taken a group of finnish guys and gals 7 years to make this film and the result is really, really good.

You can find more info regarding this film here. It last for an hour and a half and you can download it for free!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

alternate 24

Ever wondered when or what Jack Bauer eats?
Well now we know:

Source: Tokyotimes

Thursday, October 06, 2005

YES Modchips are legal!

As we already knew, modchips have been declared legal in Australia:
The free trade agreement which Australia signed with the US last year and which came into effect this year stipulates that copyright laws here have to be aligned with those in the US by 2007.

According to the FTA, consumers cannot circumvent "effective technological measures" that control access to a tech device.

All six judges of the High Court held that widely used mod-chips are legal and that playing a game on a consumer's machine does not constitute an illegal copy.

This of course is completely logical as you buy a console it is YOURS not from MS, Nintendo or Sony

more on this wonderful decision here

Anime on PSP

Just a quick link for those of you who a PSP and like Anime

you can download fan-subbed episodes already reformatted for PSP from the following website

Have fun

Dolphins learn to sing Batman themesong

Scientists have taught dolphins at Disney's Epcot Center in Florida to sing a short, high-pitched version of the Batman theme, which combines both rhythm and vocalizations.


Batman VS Joker VS Predator VS Alien

I just saw this and only have one word for this "WOW"

I do not know who made this or what the idea was behind it ( if anyone knows leave a comment )
This is a must see


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

For the 1 person out of 10000000 who actually reacts on SPAM

My favourite website BoingBoing has an article on "How much would you lose if you bought stock from SPAM"
They point us to a useful website


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

PROOF: Videogames lead to aggression?

It has been a discussion every since Carmageddon, do videogames make kids more aggressive?

Well if you look at this link, one might say yes ( or this person has Tourrette syndrom )

New battery for the PSP

Sony is introducing a new, strogner batterypack for the PSP.

The new battery has the same size, but 20% more power and works at 2200 mAH

On the same day as the battery ( Oct 27th ) they will also introduce a 1gb Memory Stick
Expect this one though to be more expensive than 3rd party ones.

Both accessories haven't been announced yet for the USA or Europe, but will probably not take long.

Source: IGN


There are a lot of showoff's in this world, some do crazy things, and live to tell the tale others don't.
During a bikershow we see a biker burn rubber, the dude in the background though is also doing stuns on his bike, but he isn't that good at it....

Monday, October 03, 2005

Alternate trailers :D

These are a couple of alternate trailers for some well-known movies

WestSide Story Zombie style
Titanic Scary
The Shining Romantic Drama

I hope you enjoy them

There is actually a New York Times story regarding the makers

Mac on a PSP?

Wow, if you are the lucky owner of a Sony PSP ( I'm not , however any sponsors are welcome :D )

You might want to take a look at the following:

He actually managed to run MacOS 7.5.5 on his PSP
Everyday i get more suprised on what is possible with this machine ( i'm not a PSP fanboy just a GameGeek
™ in general )
Check it out over here

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Yesterday i had a day off... For me that is unusual, I've been working my *ss off at a bank ( i will not mention any names)for the last 3 years but it looks like better times ( promotion ) are coming up ahead.
I've decided that if the job doesn't come to me I will find something better.

Today i've discovered that my bus has changed its route again
As i live in a suburb, public transport here sucks bigtime. As of monday it will not come near my house for a whole week! I have to walk for like 15 minutes before i can grab my bus which comes once every half an hour.
Sometimes i whish i was living in Amsterdam again... they're never on time but at least one has multiple options on what to take.

Ah well, it probably is a good way to lose the weight i gained over the last 6 months

Friday, September 30, 2005


Everyone knows the american schoolbus. These are the ones which pick up thousands of kids everywhere from and to school.

One can also supercharge one of these suckers and hit the dragstrip with it.
No excuse for coming late to school anymore, i think Link

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Anual Solar Eclipse

Monday-morning October 3rd 2005 there will be a solar eclipse ( at least for us on this side of the Atlantic )

It will be viewable in Portugal and Spain Also Algeria ,Tunesia, Libia, Tsjaad, Sudan , Ethiopia, Kenia and Somalia.
There the sun will shine like a thin circle on the sky for a maximum of 4 minutes and 32 seconds like you can see here:

Fast bike

70 Mph on a bike, now that is a fast bike!
One would think no friggin way! but see here there is proof and you can actually see it in the next movie. Can you imagine he actually makes a wheelie?


Of course i shouldn't forget to add the actual picture... which for some strange reason it won't let me upload... better luck next time


I've been trying to think on how to start all this, if i have to introduce myself or not.

Ok, perhaps some small details then

My name is Rudy, I'm a 28 year old Portuguese guy living in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands ( a suburb of Amsterdam).
Im married to Paula and have a beautful daughter of 5 called Sophia.

You might be wondering what the hell are you doing in Holland, land of bikes, drugs, red-light districts etc.,etc.
Well I was born here. Both my parents left Funchal, Madeira ( part of Portugal ) to live in this country where our idea of summer is a measly 25 degrees celsius.

The picture is
our daughter and me on one of the few good summerdays that we had, it is the Vondelpark in Amsterdam

and / or queries about this blog or me are always welcome


Wow! my first post on my own blog
Hopefully i will have something interesting to say, but we'll just have to see