Friday, September 30, 2005


Everyone knows the american schoolbus. These are the ones which pick up thousands of kids everywhere from and to school.

One can also supercharge one of these suckers and hit the dragstrip with it.
No excuse for coming late to school anymore, i think Link

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Anual Solar Eclipse

Monday-morning October 3rd 2005 there will be a solar eclipse ( at least for us on this side of the Atlantic )

It will be viewable in Portugal and Spain Also Algeria ,Tunesia, Libia, Tsjaad, Sudan , Ethiopia, Kenia and Somalia.
There the sun will shine like a thin circle on the sky for a maximum of 4 minutes and 32 seconds like you can see here:

Fast bike

70 Mph on a bike, now that is a fast bike!
One would think no friggin way! but see here there is proof and you can actually see it in the next movie. Can you imagine he actually makes a wheelie?


Of course i shouldn't forget to add the actual picture... which for some strange reason it won't let me upload... better luck next time


I've been trying to think on how to start all this, if i have to introduce myself or not.

Ok, perhaps some small details then

My name is Rudy, I'm a 28 year old Portuguese guy living in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands ( a suburb of Amsterdam).
Im married to Paula and have a beautful daughter of 5 called Sophia.

You might be wondering what the hell are you doing in Holland, land of bikes, drugs, red-light districts etc.,etc.
Well I was born here. Both my parents left Funchal, Madeira ( part of Portugal ) to live in this country where our idea of summer is a measly 25 degrees celsius.

The picture is
our daughter and me on one of the few good summerdays that we had, it is the Vondelpark in Amsterdam

and / or queries about this blog or me are always welcome


Wow! my first post on my own blog
Hopefully i will have something interesting to say, but we'll just have to see